Smart Organik Fertilizers Features
Unbeatable Quality

Humic & Fulvic acids and Liquid Organic Fertilizers
These organic acids are found in pre-historic deposits. Humic matter is formed through the chemical and biological humification of plant and animal matter and through the biological activities of micro-organisms.
Leonardite is the raw material with the highest percentage of humic substances. And it is an organic matter associated with lignite that has not yet completed the process of transformation to coal. This differs from the humidified peats because they have higher degree of oxidation.
Organic Fertilizers
With the steady increase in the world's population, the urgent need to increase the production of crops in all its forms has become, so agricultural research centers have resorted to using chemical fertilizers in large quantities to improve the proportions of macro and micro elements in the soil.
However, the intensive and prolonged use of these fertilizers resulted in significant negative damage to the components of the ecosystem (soil, water, air) and negative effects on human health.
Therefore, the need to follow the method of organic farming appeared and the demand for organic fertilizers increased.
Organic fertilizers: They are fertilizers that are manufactured from natural organic materials, including animal and plant wastes or human activity waste.

The necessity of developing a new generation of organic fertilizers ...
Organic fertilizers contain less nutrients compared to chemical fertilizers. They degrade slowly, so they are used in large quantities to get similar results.
T4BL has developed an organic fertilizer with nanotechnology, as this helped increase the effectiveness of these fertilizers due to reducing the size of their particles and thus increasing the absorbable surface, making them available to plants and easily absorbed completely.
Numerous agricultural experiments and on several crops have shown that the improved organic fertilizer (SOF) gave excellent positive results, either in increasing productivity or in improving soil health, at a level that competes with the use of compound chemical fertilizers.
Production and development of several types of solid and liquid organic fertilizers
Depending on market needs and the diversity of different soil requirements, T4BL's R&D team has developed various formulations and types of organic fertilizers and soil conditioners.
These include both solid (regular and granular) and liquid organic fertilizers (suitable for hydroponic farming).
It also includes several formulations suitable for different types of soil (clay, sandy, acidic, alkaline, low in organic matter content, and saline).
It is characterized by the types that add the characteristic Smart, which are in the form of granules, a mixture of fermented compost and nano-sized natural fertilizer, which compete in effectiveness with chemical fertilizers.

The Rationale
The product does not yield any harmful waste, and it can be used even in severe environments including chemically damaged soils and deserts.
The technology used for the production is an advanced innovative scientific technology with no identified local or global competition. and This technology will create food security
Creating an opportunity for a very profitable investment because there is no competitive company for this technology
Use almost 100% local sustainable materials for this product and this will develop sustainability in the land and crops while reducing irrigation requirements, application of various types of fertilizers and other input needs
Farmers can sell the organic products at a higher price than the non-organic products and thereby enjoy the benefit of extra margin.

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